Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Busy Reality

 Such a big girl sitting in the bumbo

Before Everly was born, I was so worried about splitting my time with two kids. I was concerned that my bonding time with Brooks was going to significantly decrease…what was he going to do without me there all the time?? I realize now that I was more attached to him than he was to me. But I do think new parents of two or more kids have similar anxieties that I did (and still have). Two kids are much more work than one.  I try my best to balance their needs and spend an equal amount of quality time with each of them, but I often end up feeling that neither they nor I get enough.

It's so hard to get a photo of the kids together. Here they were confined to the stroller.

Everly needs so much attention and time from me right now and I feel like that comes at the expense of my one on one time with Brooks. I know this is temporary for the next few years; however, it often makes me sad. It seems silly as I write it down, but the reality is that it weighs heavy on my heart.  That being said, I’m so thankful for all the help I receive everyday from my husband, grandparents and our Lisa. When Everly and I are at the doctor’s or therapy or driving to and from an appointment, I just can’t be there for Brooks. When someone invents the ability to be in two places at once, I will be the first in line :)

Everly is hitting all of her milestones as an almost 4 month old. Her neck is strong, she rolls over sometimes, grabs for anything at arms length and brings it to her mouth and smiles and laughs. In fact, the first time she really belly laughed was in the exam room waiting to see the Otolaryngologist.  It made me wonder how many milestones or firsts she will do while in a doctor’s office. Ha!

Everly wears her hearing aids most of the day except when she’s sleeping or nursing.  We have not noticed any significant changes when she wears the aids. For example, she doesn’t startle when Cooper barks or even if you bang a loud drum right above her head. Although we don’t know if she’s hearing anything, the hearing aids are stimulating the nerve which is a good thing. It’s like giving that muscle a workout. Evvie is so visual; she connects and responds with people so well when she’s talked to, it’s easy to forget that she can’t hear you.

 Hanging out with Papa and Grandma in the Dominican Republic. She's already a well traveled lady.

 Mommy with Evvie drinking a beer in the Dominican while Daddy and Brooks swim with dolphins. 

Playing with daddy

Already teething!

Had to give blood for some genetic testing. That was not fun for Everly or Mommy!

Thanks for checking in on Everly!
