Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hearing Aids

When I first learned about Everly's condition, I was so angry.  I thought "this isn't fair!" But after some grieving and much support by family and friends, I have now accepted Everly's hearing loss and I feel lucky that Everly came to us because I know we will give her everything she needs and more. And things could be a lot worse! 

We are learning more about hearing loss each day.  And at this point, Matt and I feel that the best case scenario would be for Evvie to receive Cochlear implants. We will not know for sure if she's a candidate until we do further testing (genetic testing, ct scan, MRI, etc) over the next several months. The cochlear implant technology is amazing and with it, she would hopefully be able to hear and speak somewhat normally, giving her the opportunity to grow up with her hearing peers.  There will be lots of work ahead for us! 

As a first step, Everly received her first set of hearing aids at 8 weeks old. Since Everly has profound hearing loss in both ears, we do not know how much she will hear, if anything.  However, the theory is to try to stimulate the brain with any noise possible as well as get her used to having things around her ears.  The Audiologist will monitor the hearing aids and we will be constantly adjusting the frequencies based on any reactions we see.  

Thanks for following along!


Additional information:
  • Approximately 3 in 1,000 babies are born with permanent hearing loss
  • Hearing loss affects 12,000 children born in the US each year, making it the most common birth defect

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Meeting Everly

Everly Jo arrived on June 17th, 2014 via a planned c-section.  Everything went according to plan and we were surprised the see her full head of dark hair!

During her second day of life, Everly didn't pass the newborn hearing screening test in the hospital.  The pediatrician was not concerned because many c-section babies do not pass the first time due to having fluid in their ears. The next week, we repeated the newborn hearing test and she did not pass again.  Therefore, we scheduled an Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test.  After completing this two hour test, the audiologist informed me the Everly has profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears.  I was shocked to say the least...

So please follow along to 'hear' Everly's story. I will try to write updates when we learn new and interesting things as well as when Everly accomplishes all that she will!

Thanks to our amazing support system of family and friends! We love you all.


Additional info:

  • Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when these is a problem in the way the inner ear works and is permanent.
  • Degrees of hearing loss go from normal, mild, moderate, severe and then profound.